Free drugs dictionary app can provides all informations about medical drugs like: Indication, Description, Mechanism Of Action, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Absorption, Clearance, Metabolism, Volume Of Distribution, Route Of Elimination, Protein Binding, Half Life, Toxicity, Type, and Group of drug.The offline drugs dictionary contain more than 7,700 drugs with pharmacology drugs categories and it is useful for medical students, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and other health professionals. These are some of App features:- Works offline.- Beautiful user interface with material design- Easy Search with suggestions- The basic drugs informations available offline but to show more info about drugs (needs Internet connection)- Pronunciation of Drug Names- Add to favorites- History and Bookmark- Tablet supportNOTE: The information in this drugs dictionary application is intended to provide general medical information, it is not a substitute for the expertise and judgment of your healthcare professional. You should consult your health care professional before taking any drugs.